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Interested in advertising your event?

Organizations and individuals may advertise their events to either be posted on our website or sent out in our e-newsletter.   All ads must meet our mission to advance professional education in psychoanalysis or psychodynamic psychotherapy or disseminating the results of research in psychoanalysis and related disciplines.

All inquires and questions can be sent to the office.  If approved, an invoice will be created.


Organizations or Non-Society Members: $150 for either a 30 day post on our website - or - 500 word or less in one e-newsletter distribution

Society Members: Dues paying Society members may advertise one time per year for free, additional advertisements will be $50 for either a 30 day post on our website - or - 500 word or less in one e-newsletter.


Submit your full payment along with the advertisement no later than the first of the month to be considered for the e-newsletter that will be distributed at the end of that same month.


The Society and Institute may:

  • reject the advertisement application based on language, content, conflict, or not meeting the mission
  • defer an advertisement based on other content and number of advertisers to another month
  • request additional information or information in specific formats or sizes
  • posting of any advertisement shall not be considered an endorsement of the advertiser, or of the product or service involved

opportunities to promote your organization at an Upcoming, in-person Conference

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